The values that drive us

Partnership and Community

We are deeply connected with our work through partnership and community. We collaborate with stakeholders and build community through partnerships founded on integrity and trust.

Open and Accountable

We hold ourselves and others to account in an open and transparent manner. This is to ensure we arrive at the best decisions for the organization and those we serve.

Inclusive and Empowering

We respect all people and appreciate our differences. We support people of all backgrounds to increase their confidence and to change their own lives. We empower our staff to give their best and develop their potential.

Major Muhammad Abbas Ali (1921-2009)

Muhammad Abbas Ali was born in Bombay, India on November 15, 1921 and spent most of his school years in Calcutta. He was commissioned in the British Indian Army in 1943 and served in the Hyderabad State Army until 1948. After the partition of the Indo-Pak subcontinent and the creation of Pakistan, he joined the Pakistan Army and continued his services as a Major in the infantry until his retirement in the early 1970s. After his retirement, he combined his adventurous lifestyle with his strong desire to help the poor and downtrodden masses in whatever way he could. He soon started fundraising through charity walks for various national and international charities. In the mid to late 1980s, he was involved in marathon walks in the UAE for international charities such as, UNICEF, World Health Organization, Sports Aids and Islamic Mission Hospitals, among others.

Sarwar Jahan Begum (1928-2013)

Sarwar Jahan Begum was born and raised in Calcutta, India where she spent her early youth until her marriage to Muhammad Abbas Ali in October 1947. Her inspiration for charitable work came from her parents; her father was a physician and her mother and aunt were active in the political arena and social causes. In fact her mom, her aunt and older sister were involved in caring for orphans during the devastating Bengal Famine in 1943 and established an orphanage in Calcutta which was relocated to East Pakistan in 1948 and later in 1971, taken over by the newly formed Bangladesh government. No doubt these experiences had a tremendous influence on her which led to a life dedicated to helping the poor. Her marriage gave her a partner who was equally committed to her cause and together they nurtured a family of nine kids and twenty-seven grandchildren. Even as a devoted mother, she always found time for the needs of the community, be it Canada – her adopted home, or back in her home country, Pakistan.

Muhammad Iqbal Ali


Farooq Shabbar


Adeel Asif


Dr. Masuma


Adnan Ahmad


Gohar Bangash


Waseef Ur Rehman


Samir Dahal


Muhammad Iqbal Ali

Board Advisor

Samir Dahal


Naushaba Ali


Farooq Shabbar

Member Board of Directors

Adeel Asif


Samir Dahal


Management Team

Shahid A. Khan

Executive Director

Nasir Ishaq

Manager Operations 

Samir Dahal

Accountant & Representative  Long Term Care Project

Malik Thomas

Manager, Scarborough Food Bank

Atiya Siddique

Manager, Muslim Welfare Home   (Emergency Shelter for Women and Children)

Ather Siddiquei

Senior Administrator, Muslim Welfare Residences (Transition Home for Women )

Dastagir Bhura

Branch Representative, Mississauga

Seema Javaid

Program  Representative, International Water Exploration

Sima Erdos

Program Coordinator Scarborough (Seniors Meals on Wheels , Regent Meals, Malven Eats)

 Prabha John

Program Coordinator Mississauga (Seniors outreach and community engagement)

Syed Omar Qadri

Imam, Musallah Al-Abbas Mississauga

Abdalla Mohamed

Branch Representative, Arctic Food Bank – Inuvik- NT

Muhammad Wani

Branch Representative, Arctic Food Bank – Iqaluit – NU

Prabha John

Program Coordinator Mississauga (Seniors outreach and community engagement)

Prabha John

Program Coordinator Mississauga (Seniors outreach and community engagement)

Prabha John

Program Coordinator Mississauga (Seniors outreach and community engagement)